Showing 21 Result(s)

A Brief Overview of What I Do

As The Proof Fairy, I am best known for working with self-publishing authors, ensuring their manuscripts are word-perfect before publication. However, I actually offer a much wider range of services revolving around WORDS – including copywriting, proofreading, newsletter design and WordPress website build and maintenance (see what I did there?!). To give you an idea of …

Three Reasons to Write a Book About Your Business

It’s now easier than ever to write and self-publish a book. You only need to take a look at the Amazon Kindle store to see that people are churning out novels in every genre – romance, sci-fi, erotica and crime, especially – at an astounding rate. But what’s really taken off is books in the …

Custom Journals as a Tool for Your Business

Most of us use a diary to track our appointments and engagements. Some of us keep journals to remember interesting events. But sometimes there are things you want to record for which you need something more bespoke. And that’s where custom journals can be useful. My second business, ADHD Kids, provides support and learning for …

What impression is your website creating?

  After taking a break from self-employment for a couple of years, I threw myself back into business with much enthusiasm and found myself out networking and meeting new and interesting people. I always go away and have a look at the websites of people I meet … and I have spotted an issue that could …

The Proof Fairy is back in business!

The Proof Fairy’s first rule of blogging – do it regularly. Don’t make your website look like a wasteland, with the occasional blog post every now and then, and gaping silent gaps in between. It doesn’t create a good impression of your business,it doesn’t do you any favours ….. And what happens on my own site? …

Fake it till you make it … Is it always a good idea?

How often have you heard the phrase “Fake it till you make it” – particularly when it comes to business? Right from when you first start your business, even though you’re working in your dressing gown in a corner of the bedroom, even though you haven’t actually got any clients yet and the cat answers your …

How to use Google Alerts to stay on top of business

Back in 2013 I self-published a book, “The Boy From Hell: Life with a Child with ADHD”, and in 2016 it was republished as an updated second edition by  the renowned Jessica Kingsley Publishers. The day I took delivery of my author copies of the new book was a very exciting day for me. The …

Two tools to help you with productivity

Today I want to let you know about two tools I’ve come across recently that have made a big difference to my business productivity. Strangely they both begin with Z …. Have you ever been emailed a file that you can’t open? It’s happened to me plenty of times. Authors often send me their manuscripts …

Do You Have a Freelancers’ Contingency Plan?

What WOULD happen to your business, your clients and their workflow if you were abducted by aliens??! OK, I’ll admit that’s unlikely to happen. But you never know what’s round the corner. If you were rushed into hospital/stuck overseas with no internet/involved in an accident (and I sincerely hope none of those things happen!) what …

My Willing Volunteers and their New Year Goals!

A few days ago I wrote about the goals I set myself for the business in 2013 and how they had gone – and I set three more goals for 2014. I’ve now heard from three of the willing victims volunteers who joined me in the New Year Challenge last year and I’d like to …