Showing 40 Result(s)

Three Reasons to Write a Book About Your Business

It’s now easier than ever to write and self-publish a book. You only need to take a look at the Amazon Kindle store to see that people are churning out novels in every genre – romance, sci-fi, erotica and crime, especially – at an astounding rate. But what’s really taken off is books in the …

Custom Journals as a Tool for Your Business

Most of us use a diary to track our appointments and engagements. Some of us keep journals to remember interesting events. But sometimes there are things you want to record for which you need something more bespoke. And that’s where custom journals can be useful. My second business, ADHD Kids, provides support and learning for …

7 Great Resources for Self-Publishing Authors

Publishing a book has never been so easy … the ever-changing technology landscape means anyone can publish a book at the click of a button. (Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone should publish a book, but that’s a different topic!) The internet also brings us a wealth of resources, many of which are completely free …

CreateSpace and KDP have merged: what it means for authors

Most self-published authors are familiar with CreateSpace, Amazon’s print-on-demand service, and Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the Kindle ebook service. There’s been talk for a while of Amazon’s CreateSpace closing down, but the rumours have now been proved true, as the service shut its doors to new accounts at the end of August. However, this isn’t the …

The unexpected bonuses of writing a book

Back in 2013 I wrote my book, The Boy From Hell: Life with a Child with ADHD. I’d always wanted to write a book and it was really just my own blind ambition that led to it actually happening. What I wasn’t expecting was that writing a book would open a whole lot of opportunities for …

For amazing people everywhere – what’s YOUR story?

Every year in March we celebrate International Women’s Day (and before anyone complains, yes there is an International Men’s Day too!). I’m not a huge fan of these “days” – they normally seem to be a bit of a waste of time – but reading about International Women’s Day got me thinking about all the …

In Memory of Candida Lycett Green

One autumn day in 2010 I took a call on the business phone. “I need a website,” the caller said. “I don’t really know why, or how they work, but I’ve been told I need a website and I gather you’re the person that does things like that.” The caller’s name? Candida Lycett Green – …

20 Tips for Organising an Event

I recently organised a big event for my other business, ADHD Kids. Having never run so much as a workshop before, it was a challenge to say the least, but one that I relished. Despite having many sleepless nights and nightmares – What if no one turns up? What if the speakers are rubbish? What …

Stefan Thomas

This is the 5th interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Stefan Thomas is the Network Director of 4Networking, one of the biggest business networking organisations in the UK. He is also the author of Business Networking for Dummies. Buy Stefan’s book from Amazon, and find out more …

Dave Marriott

This is the fourth interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Dave Marriott’s first book “Where Shall We Walk Today? Walking the Pennine Way” came out in March 2014 and tells the story of the 267 mile walk he and his wife Diane did …