Showing 50 Result(s)

The Deep Dive Guide to Word for iPad

In a recent post I wrote about my favourite iPad apps for writers. Shortly after I wrote the post Microsoft Word for iPad was released, and while is not likely to join the ranks of my favourites any time soon, if you are a big MS Office fan you’ll find it’s feature-rich and powerful, offering …

What Happened When I Ran a UK Kindle Countdown Deal

Last month I ran my first Kindle Countdown Deal, more as an experiment as anything. My book The Boy From Hell: Life with a Child with ADHD is on a niche subject and while it sells steadily it sells slowly – an “average” month sees me selling about 60 copies across Kindle and print, or …

5 iPad Apps for Writers

I’ve always found I write better when I’m away from the computer, whether that’s sitting on the sofa, relaxing in the garden or while taking a retreat away from home. In the past I used to lug my laptop everywhere I went but now I get by with just my iPad Air and (sometimes) a …

Public Domain Images … for your book cover?

This week I stumbled across a brilliant website which posts a beautiful public domain image every day. Often these free-to-use images are pretty shoddy but the ones on Unsplash are of professional quality and I can see them being useful for all sorts of things … …especially book covers. Which reminds me – have you started your …

Happy World Storytelling Day!

Did you know that today was World Storytelling Day? No, me neither, not till about five minutes ago* … but it seems like a particularly relevant day for me because one of the best parts of my job is helping people to tell their story. Over the last couple of weeks I have been proofreading some …

3 Things Every Self-Publishing Author Should Know About

Many authors use services like Kindle and CreateSpace to self-publish books because it’s quick, easy and cost effective – and it means anyone can be a “published author”. (Whether anyone should be is a topic for another post!) But there are  3 things every self-publishing author should know about …. So here we go:  1. Submitting …

What’s Your Story? And Why Does It Matter?

Quite often people tell me they would love to write a book – but they don’t think they’ve got anything to say, or they don’t think other people will be interested in reading it. When it comes down to it, what they’re really saying – even if they wouldn’t want to admit it to themselves …