
My first interview as an author!

Morgen Bailey runs an incredible writing website for authors, where she has a variety of author support groups for every genre of writing as well as a number of marketing opportunities for authors. If you’ve written a book or are thinking about writing one, I can highly recommend the site! Anyway, at the weekend she posted an interview with me in which I talk about my motivation for writing The Boy from Hell: Life with a Child with ADHD, as well as my inspirations, future plans and much more. A short extract is below and you can read the interview in full here.

(Note: I have published the book under my maiden name of Thompson …. just in case you’re confused!)

Welcome to the six hundred and eighty-first of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. Today’s is with non-fiction writer, proofreader and copywriter Alison Thompson. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further.

Morgen: Hello, Alison. Please tell us something about yourself, where you’re based, and how you came to be a writer.

Alison ThompsonAlison: Hi Morgen. I live in Oxfordshire, UK with my partner, teenage kids, two cats and a bearded dragon, but I’m originally from London. I’m actually better known as The Proof Fairy (www.theprooffairy.com) – I am a professional proofreader and copywriter and have been editing other people’s books for a few years now! However, I have wanted to write my own book for ages and I’ve finally got round to doing it.

Morgen: I know how that goes. Life so often gets in the way but once you get there it’s a great feeling. You write non-fiction, how do you decide what to write about?

Alison: My son was diagnosed with ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder –when he was six, and we’ve been on a roller coaster journey since then. At the time of his diagnosis I read every book I could get my hands on to find out more about his condition but everything was either written by a doctor, or an American, or both. What I really wanted was a book written by someone like me – a mum in the UK – so when the time was right I decided I’d write it myself!

Read the rest of the interview here

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