While you probably sell most of your books on Amazon, an author website is a vital part of your marketing strategy. It’s a place built exclusively for you, where you can promote your books and let your fans get to know you. Author websites also give you the opportunity to share news, reviews and book extracts in one place, which you can then cross-promote across your social media channels.
What do author websites include?
Built using WordPress, all my author websites include the following:
- Attractive home page with banner, menu, call to action and your choice of up to four additional elements (choose from newsletter sign up form, video, reviews/testimonials, featured article, latest blog posts, summary of and links to three key pages)
- Author bio page
- Books page
- Contact page
- Blog page, where you can add updates, extracts, news etc.
- Links to your social media accounts
- Twelve months’ web hosting, SSL security certificate and your choice of domain name (subject to availability)*
*Renewal of domain name, web hosting and SSL is £150 a year. Additional pages available at a cost of £50 each.
Author websites for just £500

But wait! These are not just author websites…
In fact, the websites I build are perfect for anyone who wants to be found on the web, including:
- artists
- bloggers
- sole traders and small businesses
- charities and not-for-profit organisations
To find out more, contact me for a no-obligation chat about how I can help you promote yourself online.
1. A note about my author websites: To keep costs low, I will build your website in WordPress, using a WordPress theme that can be tweaked to give you what you want. This means your website will look professional and will be easy to use and navigate, but it won’t have all the ‘bells and whistles’ of more expensive websites (although there are plugins available to give your site lots of added functionality). The advantage of using WordPress is that your website will be online within days and at a fraction of the cost of other sites.
2. I cannot guarantee to get your author website onto page one of Google. In fact, no one can guarantee to do that. During the design process I will install a plugin to enable SEO (search engine optimisation) to give your website the best chance of ranking well for relevant keywords, including your author name and book title(s). Once the site has gone live, the best way to get it noticed by Google is to use the blog feature and update it regularly with fresh content!